Deploy Donor-Advised Funds

The Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is one of the fastest-growing charitable vehicles available to individuals and families. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is that it doesn’t require the same back office, administrative, and payout requirements as a private foundation.

Whatever charitable vehicle you use, the same degree of thoughtful and knowledgeable support is needed to ensure the greatest impact on your charitable gifts.

Some of the ways we support DAF holders

As with a private foundation, you can pay for professional philanthropic services out of your DAF if the Public Charity has approved your advisor.

Strategic Philanthropy, Ltd., has been pre-approved by virtually all DAF providers. This is important to you because the Public Charity already has the necessary paperwork to enable payment for our services from your DAF account.

The value to you

The pre-approval of our services and our extensive experience means you can begin your charitable giving more quickly and with confidence.