Marshall H. Ginn

Marshall H. Ginn

Marshall H. Ginn

Marshall H. Ginn is an accomplished nonprofit leader, consultant, trainer, and volunteer with more than 30 years of experience working with regional and national nonprofits, philanthropic organizations and professional associations. He is a recognized advocate for advancing excellence in nonprofit management and promoting effective philanthropy.

For nearly 20 years, Marshall managed Capital Development Strategies LLC, a consulting firm he founded in 2000 whose diverse clients included human service nonprofits, community development programs, arts organizations, and association foundations. He is an Associate Member of the National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers for which he also serves as Resource Development Counsel.

Marshall has made numerous presentations on philanthropy, grantmaking, nonprofit management and board development at Exponent Philanthropy’s National Conference, Blackbaud Grantmaking’s Thought Leader Webinar Series, the Center for Nonprofit Advancement in Washington, DC, George Mason University, the University of Maryland, and the BoardSource Leadership Forum.